REGISTRATION > Registration Information

The deadline for early bird registration is  May 10th, 2025. The full fee will be applied after May 10th, 2025. To ensure your paper is included in the program, you must make registration by May 31st, 2025. The fee for in-person attendance includes conference materials, coffee breaks, lunch buffets, and the gala dinner.


Early bird fee (Payment until May 10th, 2025)

Academics: €350

Ph.D. Students: €250

Professionals: €400


Full fee (Payment received after May 10th, 2025)

Academics: €400

Ph.D. Students: €300

Professionals:  €450


The accompanying person fee: €150 (this fee is intended for the person who wants to accompany a participant to the conference's gala dinner, but who will NOT be participating in the scientific program)


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